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International Event Info: Virtual CommTECH Nusantara 2023 - "Let's Dance Together"


First initiated in 2012, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya Indonesia once again reiterates the success of CommTECH (Community and Technological Camp). This time, ITS launched Virtual CommTECH Nusantara 2023: Let's Dance Together, a fascinating short program aimed to introduce various Indonesian cultures to participants from all over the world to be conducted from 16-27 October 2023 every 17.30 -20.30 (Taiwan time)

CommTECH Nusantara is a short program aimed at introducing various Indonesian cultures to participants from all over the world. this program focuses more on art and culture-related activities such as traditional music and dance, making Batik, exploring Surabaya Kampongs, language, foods, and many more. Delivering the special theme of Let’s Dance Together in this edition, participants will explore the rich values and culture from various ethnics of dance from all over regions in Indonesia. 

Not only that, but participants will also strive to hone their creativity by joining a project competition of creating and presenting a video or poster on the theme of Indonesian values and culture in a Virtual Project Exhibition. The team with the best project will receive some special prizes from ITS.

This program is open for non-Indonesian active bachelor, master & doctoral students from any background, non-academic staff, and Faculty/Staff from overseas universities. 

It's a free program for 5 participants from each university. ITS partner or non-partner universities can apply for this program. However, if your universities send more than 5 participants, the fee of USD 50/person will be applied but ITS Partners universities have a chance to send more than 5 participants. 

Don’t miss the excitement and join now! The application deadline is 25 September 2023. 

Click this link for more information about this program:  https://www.its.ac.id/international/study-at-its/short-program/commtech-camp/commtech-nusantara/

For further information and queries, please contact:

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Global Engagement (ITS GE)

Phone: +62-31-59234411

Mr. Muh. Wahyu Islami Pratama

Email: commtech@its.ac.id and cc to commtechits.surabaya@gmail.com (email subject: Inquiry_CommTECH Nusantara 2023)

Line/Kakao Talk/Wechat: wahyupratama141

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